Caring Services
Trust your children or loved ones in need of special care at the hands of our staff,caring services to calmly dedicate yourself to your responsibilities and come back to forgive more love.
Caring services for children
Have questions?
Call us
Call us
+355 (0)69 3381880
Hours of services
Monday - Saturday
Monday - Saturday
08:00 - 18:00
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Caring services for elderly and sick
Caring services for Pets
Terms & Conditions
Service quality
- Our staff members have practical experience in offering care services, we test them, we verify their references and we continuously encourage them to get trained or provide direct training to them.
- Staff members are rigorously vetted, the security of your children, family members as well as pets is our number one priority.
Staff selection
- The client should share all expectations and relevant details for the child, the senior, the family member, or the pet who needs temporary care or long-term support.
- The agency proposes one to two available staff who can serve the client
- The client reserves the right to demand the change of the babysitter proposed by the agency, but the agency cannot commit to deadlines for addressing this request
Before service starts
Before the service starts, the customer should complete and sign detailed forms required by the agency regarding:
- the personality of the person who is cared of
- their preferred activities
- allergies if any
- allowed/disallowed food and food preferences
- whether the career is allowed to get them out or not
- list of people allowed to enter the home when the carer is there
- bedtime routine
- medicaments to be given (if any)
- place where clean clothes can be found
- place of first aid kit
- home address and how to reach the home
- exact name and phone number of a contact person and of a backup person
- everything else not in this list but indispensable for the well-being of the person who is being cared of
During the service
- The service should take place at the address, during the hours and under conditions that were initially agreed between the customer and the agency. Any request for change of these conditions should first be discussed with the agency.
- The customer is invited to keep close contact with the staff assigned by the agency as well as the agency itself.
- In cases of non-critical dissatisfaction towards the staff agency, the customer should think of first contacting the agency before directly giving feedback to the staff member.
Not included in the service
- Our staff member will be responsible for delivering only the service he/she was hired for and avoid interfering with any other service directly or indirectly related it.
- Often customers ask staff members to do some home chores while persons they are caring for are sleeping, as well. We strictly prohibit that, as this represents a risk towards their vigilance and can be dangerous. Furthermore, staff members providing care services are not the best suited for offering home caring services and this could soon become a source of overall dissatisfaction.
- If service fees are calculated based on hours worked, the payment must be done immediately after the service is completed, or at maximum, the following day, at the agency.
- If the amount to be paid is known in advance, the customer can pre-pay it at the agency or can pay it, at maximum, one day after the service is delivered.
- Ndihma+ will communicate to recurring customers, each end of the month, the amount due to the agency, based on the worked hours for that month. The customer should make a cash payment or bank transfer before the 5th of each month.
- For each day of delay, Ndihma+ applies a penalty fee of 0.1% of the due amount.
- The agency accepts payments in cash and bank transfers.
Non-solicitation clause
- All staff of Ndihma+ have signed non-solicitation agreements with the agency, which prohibits them from directly or indirectly working for our customers.
- Customers are also prohibited to directly or indirectly hire our staff. If this happens, the agency has the right to legally sue the customer breaching this agreement.
- NdihmaPlus aspires to serve only customers who understand and appreciate the vision and mission of our agency, at the core of which stands a professional service, carried out by employees hired by the agency, in full compliance with the local Labor Code.