Profiles to be hired

Our database of carers who can be immediately hired is now public, covers Albania and our diaspora, and is free of charge for candidates!

Profiles to be hired

We have many well-qualified carers, maids, professional cleaners, teachers, nurses who are actively looking for a job, located all over Albania or in our large diaspora. 

Once we go through the interview process with them and vet their profile, we publish it in our page of candidates where the profile will stay public but anonymized for interested customers to consider them. 

Take a look at the profiles to be hired!

… meanwhile with Ndihma+

Such a list can be filtered and searchable by experience, location, expected salary etc and is a very interesting database of profiles you should consider when you are trying to hire someone.

Upon contacting the agency and paying a modest fee, you get the contact of the profile in order to discuss with them directly.

You haven't found the ideal job seeker?
Explain to us what you are looking for.

Terms & Conditions

Completed services

Price list*


**You should know that the service is free for candidates, this is our way of helping them to find a job! 

Have questions?
Call us

+355 (0)69 3381880

Hours of services
Monday - Saturday

08:00 - 18:00

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