Care in special cases

Even for generally healthy people, there can be circumstances when they might need to be taken care of. At Ndihma+ we simply make it easier. Care in special cases service in Tirana

Care in special cases

This service is designed to give you a hand in case of a temporary incapability of your own or one of your family members.

If the person, due to a special health condition, cannot or needs to not move for a certain amount of time, our staff is there to give a helping hand.

It can be the case of persons having had a surgery, persons who cannot easily move for a period of time, pregnant women etc. We understand all situations and we are there to help.

Check out our database of careers see if there is anyone in particular that you would want to hire.


Fill out the form and reserve with one click

Terms & Conditions

Completed services

Price list*

The rate will vary mostly from unique needs of the person cared, the location and the availability of carers.

Have questions?
Call us

+355 (0)69 3381880

Hours of services
Monday - Saturday

08:00 - 18:00


Check out the profiles of our caregivers!

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