Këtë fundvit dëshiron të minimizosh në maksimum kohën për pastrim gjeneral të shtëpisë përpara festave? Atëherë përvish mëngët, pasi të...
Read moreA professional cleaning is the way to get rid of microbes in places you stay or sleep such as Carpets, sofas and mattress
We all know it’s impossible to have a sterilized home, especially carpets, sofas and mattress no matter the efforts to achieve it!
This is especially true for your bedroom!
The mattress, as one of the most important elements of comfort in your home, is one of the places holding a wide variety of microorganisms, harmful for our health! The same can be said for your sofa.
So, next time you will get up with a cold,fever, sneezes or itches, think about the fact that your mattress might need a professional cleaning. You could of course try to do it yourself, but a professional cleaning is the right way to exterminate the danger you sleep with for at least 8hours each night!
Don’t hesitate to contact us at any time by phone, e-mail, facebook,other social networks, or pass by our offices, and we will agree together on ‘campaign to eradicate’ all germs living in your mattresses and sofas.
Based on our professionalism and multi-year experience in home cleaning services, we are sure to serve you with a high quality and affordable prices. Ndihma+ employs professional products and is equipped with professional machines to meticulously clean your carpets, mattresses, sofas, couches and chairs.
You can take the service separately, but ideally you would combine it with our other cleaning packages, to make sure you arrive in a cleaned home, not just superficially clean…
Completed services
The price can vary depending on the number of mattresses, sofas or chairs you would like to clean, but especially depends on their material and their actual state.
Call us so that we can talk and give you the best price possible.
+355 (0)69 3381880
08:00 - 18:00
Këtë fundvit dëshiron të minimizosh në maksimum kohën për pastrim gjeneral të shtëpisë përpara festave? Atëherë përvish mëngët, pasi të...
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