Këtë fundvit dëshiron të minimizosh në maksimum kohën për pastrim gjeneral të shtëpisë përpara festave? Atëherë përvish mëngët, pasi të...
Read moreHygiene is in our genes; we care about your offices and shops the same way as we care about ours. Regular commercial cleaning in Tirana
To make sure that your office is always clean, tidy and healthy, trust Ndihma+. We provide commercial cleaning services backed by 5+ years of experience.
Hygiene is in our genes; we care about your commercial environment the same way as we care about our business. Should you need a one-time cleaning, a frequent one, a customized cleaning, we are there to address your need. We study your business and determine the cleaning solution most suitable to your needs and budget.
Upon your request, and thanks to our partnerships, we could also supply office hygiene items at very interesting prices, so that you fully delegate to us the responsibility on your office hygiene level.
We constantly pursue high standards in customer satisfaction, so that your entire experience with us, not only cleaning but also customer relationships are as you expect.
Completed services
Price is negotiated depending on the needs of the business, the surface,the frequency, booked slots, provision of cleaning products, paper towels, rolls and toilet paper etc.
+355 (0)69 3381880
08:00 - 18:00
Këtë fundvit dëshiron të minimizosh në maksimum kohën për pastrim gjeneral të shtëpisë përpara festave? Atëherë përvish mëngët, pasi të...
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