Këtë fundvit dëshiron të minimizosh në maksimum kohën për pastrim gjeneral të shtëpisë përpara festave? Atëherë përvish mëngët, pasi të...
Read moreWe invented ‘residential cleaning subscriptions’ in Albania, join the leaders of the market! Regular home cleaning in Tirana.
You have already decided you could use some help for your home cleaning and chores…
Congratulations, this is an important step into improving the quality of your life. If you decide to look on your own for a cleaning maid, you should:
Trusted clients
+355 (0)69 3381880
08:00 - 18:00
After you contact us for the first time, we’ll need to collect some basic information regarding your needs, so that we can decide on the best schedule and the best team to assign to your case. Our most frequent questions are:
After answering these questions and other relevant ones, our staff will explain you in details how the service will be carried out, what are the tarifss and will shortly introduce you to the experience of our staff. We shall agree on a date and time for the service. Ndihma+ might require you to pay a small advance for the service, so that you keep the slot reserved.
You will be reminded one day before the cleaning and you will also be given small tips on how to prepare the site for easy cleaning.
Once the cleaning is finished, we’ll kindly ask you to complete a satisfaction form and issue the coupon for the payment.
If you are interested for further services, Ndihma+ might suggest a cleaning schedule and a long-term contract with more interesting prices.
Our cleaning schedule is designed in such a way that it guarantees an efficient and echological cleaning process and also keep the environment clean and healthy.
The schedule is built around weekly cleanings (performed by our staff each time they visit your site) and cleanings by rotation, to take care of items which need a rarer but more profound cleaning.
Both of these types of cleanings are done for:
Non standard cleanings that can be asked ad-hoc:
Të përhershme
Me rotacion
Ju i doni të gjitha dhomat të pastruara shumë mirë, këtë bën edhe N+. Ja cfarë përfshin skema jonë e pastrimit për dhomat e gjumit.
Të përhershme
Me rotacion
Të përhershme
Me rotacion
Të përhershme
Me rotacion
Këtë fundvit dëshiron të minimizosh në maksimum kohën për pastrim gjeneral të shtëpisë përpara festave? Atëherë përvish mëngët, pasi të...
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