Regular home cleaning

We invented ‘residential cleaning subscriptions’ in Albania, join the leaders of the market! Regular home cleaning in Tirana.

Regular home cleaning

You have already decided you could use some help for your home cleaning and chores…

Congratulations, this is an important step into improving the quality of your life. If you decide to look on your own for a cleaning maid, you should:

  • Contact all your network and the network of networks until you find a cleaning maid with good references
  • The cleaning ladys you find, are not necessarily available or interested to work with you
  • During first cleanings, you should be home yourself or leave the cleaning maid with somebody trusted, until you can trust her
  • She can cancel the cleaning at the very last moment, it can happen…
  • And when the cleaning lady leaves, you have to restart your searches.

Fill out the form and reserve with one click

On the other hand, by hiring a residential cleaning company such as Ndihma+, you:
  • Can choose the cleaning subscription you prefer, as per the desired frequency of cleaning
  • Cleaning is always guaranteed
  • Your private belongings are in the hands of professionals
  • You could plan details of cleaning in communication with your account manager
  • Relationship is based on a clear, signed contract
  • Ndihma+ will frequently monitor cleaning quality
  • Ndihma+ will employ professional devices and detergents, to clean your home or office,
  • Promotions and bonuses will be offered to most loyal customers (after 6months, 1 year, 2 years, on specific occasions etc )
  • 5% discount if you prepay for 6 months and 10% if you prepay for one year
Terms & Conditions

Trusted clients

Price list*

Once per week
starting from 15 000ALL
Twice per week
starting from 21 000ALL
3 times per week
starting from 31 500ALL
Every day
Variable price
Hours of services
Monday - Saturday

08:00 - 18:00

Service description
Needed information

After you contact us for the first time, we’ll need to collect some basic information regarding your needs, so that we can decide on the best schedule and the best team to assign to your case. Our most frequent questions are:

  • Exact address of your home and preferred date/time of the cleaning
  • The area to be cleaned, whether it is an appartment,house or villa
  • The number of rooms, bedrooms included, toilet rooms, studios, offices, basement, storerooms etc.
  • Size of your family and number of people leaving in your home, whether you have kids of less than 3 years old, whether you have animals etc.
  • What is the type of flooring (carpet, stone,tile etc), whether there are floor areas requiring specific detergents
  • Do you have areas particularly humid, moldy or with accumulated dirtyness
  • Is your appartment old, new or recently rennovated
  • Should we use any specific cleaning product that is available at your appartment? Would you prefer that we use our professional products?

After answering these questions and other relevant ones, our staff will explain you in details how the service will be carried out, what are the tarifss and will shortly introduce you to the experience of our staff. We shall agree on a date and time for the service. Ndihma+ might require you to pay a small advance for the service, so that you keep the slot reserved.


You will be reminded one day before the cleaning and you will also be given small tips on how to prepare the site for easy cleaning.

Once the cleaning is finished, we’ll kindly ask you to complete a satisfaction form and issue the coupon for the payment.

If you are interested for further services, Ndihma+ might suggest a cleaning schedule and a long-term contract with more interesting prices.

Cleaning schedule

Our cleaning schedule is designed in such a way that it guarantees an efficient and echological cleaning process and also keep the environment clean and healthy.

The schedule is built around weekly cleanings (performed by our staff each time they visit your site) and cleanings by rotation, to take care of items which need a rarer but more profound cleaning.

Both of these types of cleanings are done for:

  • Toilets
  • Bedrooms
  • Living rooms
  • Kitchen

Non standard cleanings that can be asked ad-hoc:

  • Use of washing machines to do the laundry
  • Ironing
  • Closet arrangement
  • Garden cleaning
  • Flowers watering
  • Shopping items according to a list
Cleaning of toilets

Të përhershme

  • Pastrim i pllakave, vaskës dhe kabinës së dushit
  • Pastrim dhe dezinfektim i lavamanëve dhe rubinetave
  • Pastrimi pasqyrave dhe kornizave metalike deri në shkëlqim
  • Pastrimi dhe dezinfektim i WC-së dhe bideve
  • Pastrim i dyerve, dritareve dhe grilave
  • Pastrim i cepave të mureve për heqje të merimangave
  • Pastrim i dyshemesë dhe rrugicave
  • Ndërrim peshqirësh

Me rotacion

  • Pastrim i kanaleve ndarës të pllakave
  • Pastrim dhe rregullim i hollësishëm i dollapeve dhe dyerve të tyre
  • Pastrim i abazuhrëve llambave të ndricimit
  • Pastrim i kujdesshëm i dorezave të dyerve, dritareve apo kabinës së dushit
  • Zëvendësim i sapunit të duarve dhe përpilimi i listës së detergjentëve për t’u blerë
Cleaning of bedrooms

Ju i doni të gjitha dhomat të pastruara shumë mirë, këtë bën edhe N+. Ja cfarë përfshin skema jonë e pastrimit për dhomat e gjumit.


Të përhershme

  • Pastrim i mobiljeve nga pluhurat
  • Pastrim i dyerve dhe kornizave te dyerve
  • Pastrim sipërfaqësor i dritareve, xhamave dhe grilave
  • Pastrim i kornizave të pikturave, abazhurëve dhe ndricuesve
  • Pastrim i dyshemeve dhe parketeve
  • Pastrim me vakuum i tapetëve, rrugicave apo qilimëve
  • Pastrim deri në shkëlqim i pasqyrave
  • Pastrim sipërfaqësor i dollapëve
  • Ndërrimi i carcafëve dhe rregullimi i shtratit

Me rotacion

  • Pastrim i objekteve zbukuruese (kristal,alabastër etj)
  • Larje e xhamave të dritareve dhe grilave
  • Orgaizim i sirtarëve dhe dollapëve (me kërkesë)
  • Organizim dhe pastrim i rrobave (me kërkesë)
  • Pastrim i dyshekut
Cleaning of living areas

Të përhershme

  • Pastrim i mobiljeve nga pluhurat
  • Pastrim i dyerve dhe kornizave te dyerve
  • Pastrim sipërfaqësor i dritareve, xhamave dhe grilave
  • Pastrim i kornizave të pikturave, abazhurëve dhe ndricuesve
  • Pastrim i dyshemeve dhe parketeve
  • Pastrim me vakuum i tapetëve, rrugicave apo qilimëve
  • Pastrim deri në shkëlqim i pasqyrave

Me rotacion

  • Pastrim i objekteve zbukuruese (kristal,alabastër etj)
  • Larje e xhamave të dritareve dhe grilave
  • Pastrim i divanëve,kolltukëve, karrigeve apo sipërfaqeve të lëkurës
Cleaning of cooking and eating areas

Të përhershme

  • Larje enësh
  • Pastrim i banakëve
  • Pastrim  i aspiratorit
  • Pastrim i lavamanit, rubinetave
  • Pastrim i frigoriferit
  • Pastrim i sobës së gatimit dhe furrës së gatimit, mikrovalës
  • Pastrim i lavastoviljes
  • Pastrim sipërfaqësor i mobiljeve të kuzhinës

Me rotacion

  • Pastrim i thellë i dollapëve të kuzhinësPastrim i detajuar i enëve të kuzhinës
  • Pastrim i divanëve,kolltukëve, karrigeve apo sipërfaqeve të lëkurës
  • Zhbllokim i tubacioneve
  • Pastrim i thelluar i sobës, frigoriferit ose lavastrovilies
  • Programim i lavatrices për larje rrobash në ambientet e shtëpisë
  • Nderje rrobash dhe mbledhje në tharje
  • Hekurosje të rrobave në ambientet e shtëpisë
  • Organizim i garderobës
  • Pastrim i kopështit
  • Kujdes për lulet
  • Psonisje sipas një liste
  • Shërbime të tjera sipas kërkesës
Ofertë Pastrim Divani
Ofertë Pastrim Divani

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